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Christian Character
When to Talk - When to be Silent
Where Planning is Needed
I Can!
Christian Warfare (Part 1)
Christian Warfare (Part 2)
To Prosper in a Troubled Land
One of These Days
The Race Set Before Us
New Creature - Bad Habits
The Christian Path
Given Hospitality
A Lesson Learned Too Late
The Golden Rule
Building the House of One’s Life
Write It On Their Hearts
Will You Be Attending?
Avoid the Path of the Wicked
Is It Worth The Wait?
Good Beginning--Sad Ending
Who Stirs Up Trouble?
Secrets to a Peaceful Life
Better Call a Gas Station.
Who Gives Wisdom?
What Are You Thankful For?
Heroes and Friends--Part 1
Heroes and Friends--Part 2
Are You a R.O.A.D. Christian?
The Walk of a Christian
Going for the Gold
Who Do Others See?
Some Things We Must Not Forget
Commitment--Part 1
Commitment--Part 2
1st Century Attitudes--Needed Today!
Why Worry?
The Privilege of Being a Christian
Why Live a Lie?
What Does The Lord Require?
A Life Befitting the Gospel
"Part-Time" Christianity
Endure Hardship
Defenders of the Faith
Blessed Be the Man!
Adorning the Doctrine
Personal Holiness
Personal Honesty
Spiritually Fervent
Three Things That Saints Desire
A Life of Separation
Pleasing God or Pleasing Man, Which Will it Be?
Do You Make a Difference?
Consider Your Ways
Do Our Clothes Make a Statement?
Bad Feelings Among God's People
Three Things Saints Can Do
Blessed are Those...Hungering and Thirsting
Visiting Canada
"Salt and Light"--Do You Make a Difference?
"In Love"
"To Be Seen of Men"
A Threefold Victory
The Christian Calling
How Can We Influence Others?
What Does God Expect From His Servants?
What About "After" Baptism?
Read and Heed!
Do We Really Understand?
The Sin of Prejudice
God's Children
The Need to Get Along (1)
The Need to Get Along (2)
No Neutrality
It Is Easy to Start Missin
Stewards of Time
Awarding Ungodliness (Hollywood Style)
Pleasure in the Job--Put Perfection in the Work
Worry Can Steal Our Joy
No One Has Died From Swallowing His Own Pride!
Use Self Control With Your Remote!
Disappointment and Disillusionment
We Are Important!
"Do Not Boast About Tomorrow"
"You Have Need of Endurance"
"Him Who Thinks He Stands..."
"Launch Into The Deep"
Would Your Boss Believe You?
Life of a Christian...A Ready Life
Take Heed How Ye Build
"What Advantage is it to Me?"
Wishing is Scriptural
Are You Sure You're A Christian?
"Behold, I Set Before Thee..."
"Brethren Join In Following My Example"
But Where Are The Nine?
What Do You "Look" At?
"Neither Could They Blush"
One Another
Perils Facing Christians
Prejudice is a Robber